London Architecture- Taken from the Archives 2009
London Architecture-
London flats
so naturally
interesting to the eye
with Palladian fine lines.
old, mysterious,
to take a peak
see who lives
those rustic walls,
what strangers
inhabit those
creaking halls,
what ladies and gents,
a waltz
the foxtrot
at a ball,
and made
Taken from Archives Wordless Wednesdays.
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Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Monday, 13 December 2010
Sabrina's Travel Update
Hello My Loyal Subscribers!
Thank you for your continuous loyalty in reading my blog and following up on my life and adventures in Londinium. I have been traveling outside of London for quite sometime, but I wanted to let you know that I will be continuing this blog for a bit longer. Most recently, I traveled to the homeland of my Mother in Nicaragua. I spent nearly 1 month there, and it was also life altering and moved me in a big way too, but different from my time in London. That's the beauty of traveling, it opens you up in a way that you may never have dreamed of, and surprises you with excitement of learning about new lands and cultures. I will be posting photos of my travels here and on my other blog, Learning- Spanish-is- Fun,
My time in London was life altering and it moved me in a big way. I still have much more to write about, and more photos to publish so stay tuned. In the meanwhile, you are welcome to check out my other blogs, Green Bohemian Living, .
Also, I am very active on Facebook, you can find me there if you like my Facebook name is Sabrina Rongstad-Bravo. If I don't know you very well, you can send me a request with a note. My mission in life is to become a global citizen, travel the world, and expand my circle of friends, near and far. You can also find me on
More Tales and Adventures in Sabrina's London Diaries
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
One of my favorite things about London, out of all the many things I love is the combination of old, and new. No place is better to find that in a simple neighborhood park, where the new benches are combined with the old gravestones. A feeling of sweet spookiness and chilling nostalgia thrills your winter bones, inviting you to ponder the poetry in what's close by.
Wordless Wednesdays- Taken from my Archives. November 2009
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Sunday, 17 October 2010
World War 2 and Winston Churchill
I believe in the 20th century there has never been a more important politician than Winston Churchill. He helped get England out of a mess durig WW 2, and was a strategic politican. During WW 2, he instilled in the British people a sense of opitmism and hope.He helped the countries anima during difficult times.
He's definitely one of my favorite people in History, but to be honest, there was a time I didn't know much about Winston Churchill. I learned more about him more when one of the tourists I guided when I work as a tour guide was a big World War 2 fanatic. I was giving him a tour of London, but I felt he was giving me the tour, because he knew so much about WW 2. He floored me with his in depth knowledge and passion about anything that has to do with World War 2. That said, we stopped at the Cabinet War Museums one afternoon and had a pot of tea at the canteen discuss what we saw.
The Cabinert War Museum is located at the very famous address 20 Downing Street, where Churchill conducted the war. It was fascinating to see so many artefacts, and the actual room where he slept, ate and made his calls to President Roosevelt.
The British government, fearful of aerial warfare, built a subterranean safe house for Churchill and his Cabinet to use during World War II. The Cabinet War Rooms, as they came to be known, were constructed in the basement of the Treasury building in Whitehall, near to Parliament and Number 10 Downing Street. 10 feet underground, the War Rooms were reinforced with a layer of concrete one to three metres thick. The underground lair consisted of the Cabinet Room, where Churchill’s Cabinet met; the Map Room, from where the war effort was directed; and The Churchill Suite, which consisted of nine rooms for the personal use of Churchill and his wife ‘Clemmie’. The complex, which can be visited today, covers 3 acres and incorporates a canteen, a hospital, a shooting range and the Prime Minister’s Lavatory, from which Churchill could secretly contact President Roosevelt at the White House.
Our Finest Hour
On June 18, 1940 Churchill delivered a famous speech to the House of Commons in Parliament.He will always be remembered for speaking against fascism and standing for democracy. He was also very famous for his Quotes. In spite of his speech impediments he was a compelling and inspiratinoal orator, and to this day is still admired for his rhetorics. He held many important ranks and won the Nobel Prize for Literature.His famous speech " Never give in-Never, never, never, never in nothing great or small, large, or petty, except in convictions of honor and good sense, still to this day, inspires hope and passion in those young and old. I love Winston Churchill, and can't wait to read his books.
For more information: Cabinet War Rooms
More Tales and Adventures in Sabrina's London Diaries
He's definitely one of my favorite people in History, but to be honest, there was a time I didn't know much about Winston Churchill. I learned more about him more when one of the tourists I guided when I work as a tour guide was a big World War 2 fanatic. I was giving him a tour of London, but I felt he was giving me the tour, because he knew so much about WW 2. He floored me with his in depth knowledge and passion about anything that has to do with World War 2. That said, we stopped at the Cabinet War Museums one afternoon and had a pot of tea at the canteen discuss what we saw.
The Cabinert War Museum is located at the very famous address 20 Downing Street, where Churchill conducted the war. It was fascinating to see so many artefacts, and the actual room where he slept, ate and made his calls to President Roosevelt.
Cabinet War Museum
It is said that it was inside the Map Room that Churchill devised most of his strategies.
Our Finest Hour
On June 18, 1940 Churchill delivered a famous speech to the House of Commons in Parliament.He will always be remembered for speaking against fascism and standing for democracy. He was also very famous for his Quotes. In spite of his speech impediments he was a compelling and inspiratinoal orator, and to this day is still admired for his rhetorics. He held many important ranks and won the Nobel Prize for Literature.His famous speech " Never give in-Never, never, never, never in nothing great or small, large, or petty, except in convictions of honor and good sense, still to this day, inspires hope and passion in those young and old. I love Winston Churchill, and can't wait to read his books.
For more information: Cabinet War Rooms
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Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Wordless Wednesdays- Old World
Taken from my archives- Oxford, United Kingdom.
One thing I loved about Oxford, was that it reminded of me of Berkely, California (where I lived for 4 years before living in London ). Berkeley and Oxford, have much in common, both are College towns, and both are relatively village like. Like Oxford, Berkely has throngs of people riding bikes, mostly students, but everyone else seems behind the trend. Mostly, because of the environment. Berkely,is famous for University California at Berkely, which is one of the most reknowned and prestigious universities in America. But, who can compare the grand school like Oxford. I have a friend back home that studying for his Phd in Literature, at both Oxford and Berkely. (I have to admit I am a bit jealous of him, and now he's jealous of me because I lived in London, so our mutual jealous karmas are balanced now-Lol !)
Oxford has an old world charm, that indelibly gets etched in your pysche. I fell in love with Oxford, it's a place where great minds have studied, and you can't help, but feel the intellectual vibrations everywhere.I would love to live there someday, it seems like a cultural and intellectual paradise, where one could day dream, think deeply about the meaning of life, or different paradigms through out histories, soar with your thoughts, and just simply be inspired by the mere thought of living in a very, very old town, that is home to one of the oldest schools on the planet, and has educated some of the finest and greatest minds through out history. Oh, the mere thought, just gives me goosebumps, and makes me long for old world Oxford !
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Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Wordless Wednesdays- Dusk
my favorite time of day,
the mysterious time
in between day and night
when all faeries
and sprites come out.
if your wise, perchance,
you can see them delight in dance,
twinkling their wings,
and fluttering their eyes
in a playful balance
with harmony and chance.
Photo taken from my arhcives. January 2009- Bayswater Road. My neighborhood pub, The Prince Alfred.
Poem written by me, Sabrina Rongstad-Bravo on October 5, 2010.
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Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Wordless Wednesdays- Peace
Wordless Wednesdays- Taken from my Archives.Buddhist Meeting March 2009.
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Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Wordless Wednesdays- Grace
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Wordless Wednesdays: Happiness

Take from the Archives: A Happy Home in Richmond.October 2008
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Sunday, 29 August 2010
Windsor Castle- The Oldest Inhabited Castle in the World
I followed them around the corner to the front entrance of Windsor Castle. To my amazement, it was the Changing of the Gaurds. I hadn't wanted to see the Changing of the Gaurd at Buckingham Palace, it was always very low on my list, or if I wanted to see it I never seem to be able to go to Buckingham Palace on a day they were scheduled. And so here it was in plain sight, when I least expected it. I must add, it was a beauty to behold. The majesty. The pomp and circumstance that the English are famous for, and of course, the Catholic Church. It made it an unforgettable experience, one I shall always remember.
Queen's Guard are the names given to contingents of infantry and cavalry soldiers charged with guarding the official royal residences in London and in Windsor
.Sentries of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment being posted in Windsor.
So does everyone else. I know it's cheesy but I had to put this photo in here.
After all, They all look like they
are from Kansas City.

Built by William the Conqueror within what was a royal hunting forest (now Windsor Great Park) after theNorman conquest of 1066, Windsor Castle has been successively enlarged, adapted and rebuilt by monarchs from Henry II to Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen and other members of the Royal Family continue to spend most of their private weekends at the Castle and it remains an important venue for ceremonial visits from heads of state from other countries. It is also home to some of the greatest paintings and works of art in the Royal Collection, which are displayed throughout the Castle’s splendid interiors. On your visit you will see the State Apartments, the Precincts, the Drawings Gallery, Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House and St George’s Chapel (except on Sundays when the Chapel is closed to visitors). Please allow at least 2 hours for your visit
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Wordless Wednesdays - Discipline
Taken from my Archives 2009: Admiralty Arch
The Malls regal entrance was built in 1910.
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Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Wordless Wednesdays- Movement
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Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Wordless Wednesdays -1 Flower Mission
Taken from my Archives 2009:Chez Michelle - Borough Market
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Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Part 2: Bloody French Exiled in London
An Aerial View of Strawberry Hill
House in the Gothic Style Strawberry Hill
I had to walk about 5 blocks around 2 a.m in the morning in the dark all by myself. It was in the middle of winter,and I was freezing. I steadfastedly focused on getting home and got home in a hurry. I remember walking behind a couple just so I can be partly safe and assuredly told them I was not stalking them. But, what was most fascinating about this walk in the middle of the night, was that it felt like I was not in London at all. Well, I was in Greater London,but the elegant houses that were high on this hill, Strawberry Hill with the River Thames right below made me feel like I was a heroine in an English novel that had just missed her barouche and had to walk hurriedly home under the light of the moon.It was a bit scarey,(in a good kind of England romantic spooky way, if that makes any sense,) because as I was approximating their home where the entrance was the back porch, I had to take this back street which past a children's park that had many tombstones (like many English parks do ). Mr. Twining of Twinings Tea happens to be buried there.
During my sojourn in Twickenham,at the Twickenham station there is a map and information about Orleans House. Orleans House today now is a gallery, but back in the 18th and 19th century was the home to many a Noble French men. I discovered that many French exiled to both Twickenham and Strawberry Hill during the the French Revolution. It just goes to show how interconnected we are and how History tend to overlap.(The English go to France, the French go to England, and call each other names, use each other in times of war ).The fact that the French lived in this part of London which is a famous home for Rugby intrigued me and lends a bit of glamour and nostalgic mystery. Not to mention, the 18th Century is one of my favorite parts of World History. The grandeur and yet tulmultous lives of Queen Deficit, Queen Marie Antoinette ( Queen Deficit), and Georgiana Cavendish,Duchess of Devonshire respectively intrigue me.
At the turn of the 19th century, Twickenham became fashionable as a refuge for royalists fleeing the French Revolution and the exiled Duke of Orleans, who was later King Louis Philippe, set up home in the house, between 1800 - 1817. He occupied the house, (1773-1850), from whom the present gallery derives it's name. Forced into exile from France in the period leading up to Napoleon's Defeat at Waterloo, Louis Philippe made this house his home between 1815 and 1817. Attracted to the tranquility of the area he wrote to a friend: "I bless heaven, noon and night that I am in my peaceful house in old Twick". In 1844 he returned to England as King of the French, and visited his former residence accompanied by Queen Victoria.
Orleans House- The Octagon Gallery
When the main building was demolished in 1926 the only feature to survive was Octagon, an eight-sided turret that had formed part of the west wing. Designed by James Gibbs in 1720, this neo-classical room has plasterwork and a black and white checked floor, now used as a giant chessboard. A gallery was later built on the site of the original house and today both this and the Octagon are used for changing exhibitions. These include local and London art, contemporary crafts and local history displays.
The Arts Service at Orleans House Gallery
Telephone: 020 8831 6000
Fax: 020 8744 0501
Admission free
Opening Times
Open: Apr-Sep: Tue-Sat:13:00-17:30,
Sun & Bank Holidays; 14:00-17:30,
Oct-Mar: closes at 16:30,
Tel: 020 8831 6000 for details.
French in London:
More Tales and Adventures in Sabrina's London Diaries
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Part 4: Friends in London: Lady Michelle of Malta, and Drunk Parishioners at Christmas Eve Mass
When I first came to London, I met this cool young lady in her twenties who hailed from Malta, I called her Lady Michelle. She was very tall, brunette with big dark eyes and long black hair, she looked a bit like an Italian goddess. She was intelligent, well read, super independent and strong. She always had five different things going on at once, and always knew what was happening at the latest minute. I kind of felt like she was my Matesian soul mate. She spoke with a funny Maltese accent, and a bit of an Italian lilt, ( Malta was under rule of Italy for many years and most of the homes get Italian TV). She also used "you know" after every sentence, which I found rather annoying, but I tolerated it because she was so charming and fun in every other way. She would say to me, " Sabrina I have a one off ticket to a rock Concert, you know, do you want to come?" It's in Camden town and we'd have to take a bus and get back home very late you know. I often called it to her attention and she took it well, but she kept on doing it, so I just gave up and acceepted that is how she is. Besides, it's not that bad of a habit, considering all the myriad bad habits people have that are really despicable. Also she was so sweet, fun and smart that she won me over. She was also very helpful too. She had been in London I believe 2 times before me, so she knew how to take the bus, where the nearest hospital was, how to save money. She was my first friend in London, and we ended up spending Christmas Eve together 2009. During my first winter in London, I caught the worst cold, which evolved into bad bronchitis. The fact that the youth hostel I was staying at with Michelle had the worst heating of any hostel I have ever been. ( On top of that I had to keep borrowing blankets, I ended up having about 4 blankets, when I was only supposed to have a measley one. I had one to insulate the wall because the room was facing outside, and very cold, another one for the matress and then two on top). Man, I was bloody cold. Anyway, I was coughing up big huge gobs of green London phlegm and sweating so badly that I had to go the hospital, luckily Michelle geared me to the right place.
It was my first time in a London hospital and I was happy that they didn't ask for my papers or anything. They took me in right away without any questions asked. Th ey gave me antibiotics and I recovered quite quickly after that. I am very grateful to their kindness. ( Boy, what an experience, you know, I think I'll use this dialogue for audition material,You never know !)
Once I recovered, I was back to my party self again. At the last minute, Michelle had invited me to join her for a service at Christmas Eve mass. Why not? It would be fun to go to a Christmas Eve mass in London, England. I remember it was Christmas eve and we walked and walked in the cold London winter night, from our Hostel in Hyde Park for about another 2 miles to reach the Catholic Church. I remembered some lady walking right in the middle of mass, stone drunk and sitting right next to me. She smelled of hard liquor and decided to start hugging me, and crying all over me. I don't know why I attract such weird and out people, do I have a sign on my head that says " I am counselor, pillow included?" Anyway, Only in London. The Priest in the mass used such powerful incense,that seemed to hail straight from the Vatican, big huge balls of Frankincesse and Myrrh, that he kept swinging around to bless everyone with, while he recited some Latin phrases, I though he was going to hit us with it. I felt like I was getting high off them, between the choir and the incense, it was indeed a spiritually transcendent experience. After mass, I wished everyone in my way "Merry Christmas" and stopped to chat with the Priest who had surprisingly had a flute of champagne in his hand, and complimented him on the nice service. Somehow, he must have liked my friend and I, because he went out of his way to give us both flutes of champagne( perhaps, he liked my American accent), which made us both very happy because we were both to broke to buy our own. It was nice to sip champagne with an English priest. I was also wondering if he drinks like this all the time. Anyway, after we elegantly sipped the champagne and said our adieus to the priests, we walked swiftly home in the London cold feel very warm, fuzzy and not the least bit lonely that we weren't in each other's respective homelands to celebrate the Holidays.
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It was my first time in a London hospital and I was happy that they didn't ask for my papers or anything. They took me in right away without any questions asked. Th ey gave me antibiotics and I recovered quite quickly after that. I am very grateful to their kindness. ( Boy, what an experience, you know, I think I'll use this dialogue for audition material,You never know !)
Once I recovered, I was back to my party self again. At the last minute, Michelle had invited me to join her for a service at Christmas Eve mass. Why not? It would be fun to go to a Christmas Eve mass in London, England. I remember it was Christmas eve and we walked and walked in the cold London winter night, from our Hostel in Hyde Park for about another 2 miles to reach the Catholic Church. I remembered some lady walking right in the middle of mass, stone drunk and sitting right next to me. She smelled of hard liquor and decided to start hugging me, and crying all over me. I don't know why I attract such weird and out people, do I have a sign on my head that says " I am counselor, pillow included?" Anyway, Only in London. The Priest in the mass used such powerful incense,that seemed to hail straight from the Vatican, big huge balls of Frankincesse and Myrrh, that he kept swinging around to bless everyone with, while he recited some Latin phrases, I though he was going to hit us with it. I felt like I was getting high off them, between the choir and the incense, it was indeed a spiritually transcendent experience. After mass, I wished everyone in my way "Merry Christmas" and stopped to chat with the Priest who had surprisingly had a flute of champagne in his hand, and complimented him on the nice service. Somehow, he must have liked my friend and I, because he went out of his way to give us both flutes of champagne( perhaps, he liked my American accent), which made us both very happy because we were both to broke to buy our own. It was nice to sip champagne with an English priest. I was also wondering if he drinks like this all the time. Anyway, after we elegantly sipped the champagne and said our adieus to the priests, we walked swiftly home in the London cold feel very warm, fuzzy and not the least bit lonely that we weren't in each other's respective homelands to celebrate the Holidays.
More Tales and Adventures in Sabrina's London Diaries
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Part 3: Friends in London
This is my friend Bader Mirza, he's half Egyptian and half Iraqi. He's very nice. I met him at the Queens Hotel when I was staying there. He worked part time as the reception desk. He was a first class gentleman, and would always carry my grocery upstairs. When I was sick he brought me some chicken soup to my room. I never forget his kindness, even though he's very mischievous. He also would invite me to all these parties with this Shiek that he met in his last trip to Dubai. Apparently, for such a humble job he had, he knew all these Sheiks and used to go to all these parties in London's classiest hotels. Bader means Moon in Arabic. He would call himself the King Bader, and he would call me Princess.
Aniello and Samantha Baldini in Twickenham, London
When, I first came to London, I did the COUCH SURFING thing . I stayed with this really charming Italian couple. Samantha's house always smelled like the LUSH store. I cooked a few times for them, and one time I made a Spanish Tortilla and it landed on the floor instead of the pan. They were both very gracious about it. They lived in Charming Twickenham, about 30 minutes outside of Central London. You had to take a train from Waterloo to get there. Twickenham is the home of the great rugby matches and the home of Orleans House. Well, Sammy and Annielo were very nice to me and made me feel at home. They also let me stay a bit longer, which I am very grateful, they left to go to Italy for about 4 days and left me the keys to their house. It was a great respite for me, at the time, because I after staying in noisy and populated hostels, I needed some private time to myself. It seems like my whole time I was in London I was always blessed with unexpected suprises and people supporting my life. I was very much in rhythm. Sammy and Annielo, if your reading this, your the best, if you come to Los Angeles, mi casa es su casa. Millie Bacis. By the way, Annielo you look like Andrea Boccelli.
Hector is a reporter for BBC Latin America and I met him in London.
We met here at the Dublin Castle, where the 80's Ska Group Madness got their start.

Tanya Kwiez at Planet Organic Notting Hill
I used to go to Planet Organic practically everyday to stock up on vitamins and get a hot cup of tea during a break. The Internet cafe I went to was just across the street so I would often pop in just for a break of a cup of tea or some yogurt. I met the nicest people that worked there. Tanya Kwiez is a volunteer for project Watoto. Every year she goes to Africa and voluneteers at Paradiso orphanage with Project Watoto.
If you would like to work as a Volunteer or Donate to Project Watoto, please, go to

This is Heather Bowie,we met walking down Westbourne Grove street she asked me for directions in my neighborhood. (I used to walk down Westbourne Grove and take it all the way to Notting Hill and then famous Porto Bello Road.). Heather Bowie hails from South Africa, and is of Scottish descent, and we planned to go to Scotland together but never got around. She's very cuteand always sweet. She works in the fashion industry in London.
More Tales and Adventures in Sabrina's London Diaries
Monday, 14 June 2010
Part 3: Peace in the Middle East Tosos in London Monday Nights
Me, with four other Israeli Buddhist. Roshashana - The Jewish New Year- October 2008.
Chanting for Peace inthe Middle East. This photo was taken with a group of Israelis, who also happen to be Nicheren Buddhist,and chant a mantra ( Nam Myoho Renge Kyo), to awaken one's Buddha nature.Every Monday night, there is a tozo (an extended prayer session for more than 1 hour) for Peace in the Middle East.
Will there ever be Peace in the Middle East? Maybe not tomorrow, or the immediate future, but who knows maybe one day there will be peace in the Holy Land. The Zionist movement was created because the Jewish people have been a homeless people since the time of ancient Egypt. Israel was created in the forties right after World War 2 to create a homeland. But, Zionism started much earlier than this. If you like Literature, read Daniel Deronda (Oxford World's Classics)
Perhaps,finally they will have a place to call their own without intervention from the United States, without dissension and agrimony from Palestininans. At last, Israel will at last have a harmonioius homeland.And,the Palestinians who have suffered tremendously against the very powerful force of the Israeli army, will also have PEACE. At this point, there can be no more blaming the other side. Each person, has to fight with their own fundamental darkness for there to be lasting peace, just like in your own family.
Either way, it is never a waste of time or waste of energy to do something positive for the world. To chant for PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST.You may think it's naive,a waste of time to chant for Peace in the Middle East. You can think whatever you want. You may rather watch Seinfield with your husband and wife of Monday nights,than get off your tush and chant, but I am going to keep chanting for Peace in the Middle East and so will my other friends.
Me, with Yariv Perelmuter. Yariv is an Israeli Buddhist who has been practicing Buddhism for 5 years.
He's a Comedian/ Social worker. I met him when he was on Holiday in San Francisco and we stayed in touch for about 1 1/2 years, until I came to London and he "dumped me upon arrival". Literally, just after arriving from Heathrow airport. Well, at least he didn't string me along like so many men do. He was a bit rude like most Israeli men, but the positive side of being rude is that the people are usually very honest and sincere. My Buddhist training has taught me to see the bright side of everything and everyone.Needless to say, I forgave him, not right away of course, or I would be lying, but after chanting a lot and turning poison into medicine, and doing beaucoup human revolution, I realize that he was my manivator and I should appreciate him for being a catalyst and getting me to London, otherwise, I just would have procrastinated. I wish him all the best with in his life and career. I do hopes he finds the right deodarant and learns how to wash his clothes. ( LOL !) They had this moldy smell on them like he washed them in London rain and never brought them in to dry. Whoosh! and Pewie !! (Anyway, Nothing like a bit of light hearted humor. If you are reading this, I sure hope you can take a joke. God knows you like to dish 'em out. ) If your reading this I am chanting that you find the right anti-perspirant Yariv, or a woman who can tolerate your Middle Eastern JUNGLE smell. Anyway, Yariv is a very funny and intelligent comedian, his humor is his weapon, making jokes about world issues,he sheds light on some of the world's heaviest topics in the name of Kosen Rufu (World Peace.) He didn't have to serve the compulsory 2 years in the Israeli army because he's Diabetic. I told him that was his good fortune. I have a feeling that he could eventually make it as a Comedian. And, I have a feeling I'll eventually find a man that knows a thing or two about hygeine. Everybody will get what they want in the end.
Like Shakespeare said, " All well that ends well".
It's really a wonderful world !
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Harry Potter's London
Harry Potter is myth, legend and inspiration to many people, both children and adults alike. The movies have been a phenomena in modern pop culture. I am still amazed how a young single mom would write these stories on a napkin, while writing she was receiving govement assisstance, wrote these magnficent stories for children that turned out to be such an amazing success. Her story inspires me just as much as Harry's story. I only started and finished reading the first book, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. I have yet to read the others in the series. So, yes, I am still a bit behind in the Harry Potter saga. Still, I was impressed with the storyline, and while watching the movie the settings always seem to transport me to some make believe magical place that only England with all it's grand history, architecture, castles and mystery can evoke.
1. London - Harry communicates with the snake at the Reptile House in London Zoo, Australia House on the Strand was the setting for The Wizard Bank, and King's Cross Station provided platform 9 and 3/4. Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament are seen on Harry's arrival in London.
2. Black Park, Langley, Berkshire - The 600 acre park was used for the movie's Forbidden Forest on the edge of Hogwarts, and out-of-bounds to the students. Hagrid's woodland home is set here too (now demolished).
3. Picket Post Close, Bracknell - the suburban, mock-tudor home of the Dursley.
4. Lacock, Wiltshire - Harry's classroom friends were filmed around Lacock Abbey, a former monastery.
5. Oxford University, Oxfordshire - the ancient university city provided much of Hogwarts' architecture including the school's library and hospital.
6. Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucestershire - magnificent fan vaulted cloisters - setting for ghost scenes
7. Alnwick Castle, Northumberland - the exterior of the castle is used for exterior Hogwarts shots, the Quidditch match and broomstick lesson is set within the ramparts.
8. Durham Cathedral, this 12th century cathedral provided one of the Hogwart's classrooms. Harry walks through the cloisters of the Cathedral with his owl, Hedwig.
9. Goathland Station, North Yorkshire - doubled as Hogwart's local station.
Note Bene: I managed to see all the Harry Potter in London and in Oxford film locations, everything else I got from the internet. Perhaps, next time, in the UK, I 'll get to spend more time outside of London. I still would like to see Northern England, especially the Lake District,and the home of Beatrix Potter. As they say there's always tomorrow to make dreams come true.
love, Sabrina
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Platform 9 3/4 Kings Cross Station. London.
Australia House.Strand, London. Home of Wizards Bank in Harry Potter's Movies.
Reptile House. Regents Park Zoo. London.
2. Black Park, Langley, Berkshire - The 600 acre park was used for the movie's Forbidden Forest on the edge of Hogwarts, and out-of-bounds to the students. Hagrid's woodland home is set here too (now demolished).
3. Picket Post Close, Bracknell - the suburban, mock-tudor home of the Dursley.
Picket Post Close. Home of the Dursley's
4 Privet Drive
4. Lacock, Wiltshire - Harry's classroom friends were filmed around Lacock Abbey, a former monastery.
Lacock Abbey
5. Oxford University, Oxfordshire - the ancient university city provided much of Hogwarts' architecture including the school's library and hospital.
Christ Church. Oxford University. Dining Hall in Harry Potter's Movies.
I did manage to get here. It was a very beautiful experience and I felt very at home at Oxford.
6. Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucestershire - magnificent fan vaulted cloisters - setting for ghost scenes
Inside of Gloucestire Cathedral
7. Alnwick Castle, Northumberland - the exterior of the castle is used for exterior Hogwarts shots, the Quidditch match and broomstick lesson is set within the ramparts.
8. Durham Cathedral, this 12th century cathedral provided one of the Hogwart's classrooms. Harry walks through the cloisters of the Cathedral with his owl, Hedwig.
The cloisters is where Harry and his friends walk through
The cloisters, where the monks of Durham carried out their daily life. The cloisters were added in the 14th and 15th centuries, but were rebuilt in 1828. The roof is all that remains of the medieval original.
9. Goathland Station, North Yorkshire - doubled as Hogwart's local station.
Note Bene: I managed to see all the Harry Potter in London and in Oxford film locations, everything else I got from the internet. Perhaps, next time, in the UK, I 'll get to spend more time outside of London. I still would like to see Northern England, especially the Lake District,and the home of Beatrix Potter. As they say there's always tomorrow to make dreams come true.
love, Sabrina
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