Ten wonderful, splendorous days of celebrating Jane Austen in the Georgian city Bath. Jane Austen knew Bath as a thriving spa resort, popular with fashionable society. A selection of events taking place to celebrate the life and work of Jane Austen including Europe's largest Regency costumed Promenade where a multitude of people will be parading along the grand Georgian terraces of 18th century Bath in costume of the period.
Some of the attractions at The Jane Austen Festival include Small soirees, theatre, concerts, walking tours, food, talks and of course dancing plus the opportunity to dress throughout the week, if you wish, in 18th century costume.The 9th Jane Austen Festival in Bath which is the biggest yet, with 44 events over ten days. During the Grand Regency Promenade there will be an attempt to breathe Guinness World RecordsTM record for the ‘Largest gathering of people dressed in Regency costumes’ plus a real wedding Regency style, Dandy Chargers at the Country Fair, world premiere of Lady Susan and that is just the first day.
If you have ever wanted to know how to dance, eat, drink or bathe or court like Jane Austen you will have an opportunity to find out. If you have ever wanaining ways to find out. Chawton Cottage in Hampshire is celebrating the 200th anniversary of Jane’s arrival n the village and we pay them a visit on Tuesday. I want to go the undressing Mr. Darcy class. Sounds nice !
Friday 18th September
12noon - 1.15pm Jane’s Fame: Claire Harman – book signing 4
6.15pm - 7.45pm Festival Get Together 4
Saturday 19th September
11am - 12.30 pm Grand Regency Promenade 5
12noon - 12.45pm Guinness World RecordsTM attempt 5
11am - 5pm Queen Square Traditional Country Fair 5
12noon - 1.30pm Jane Austen’s Bath - walking tour 5
4pm - 5pm Regency Wedding 5
8pm - 10pm Lady Susan – Theatrical 5
Sunday 20th September
9.45am - 11am Dance Extravaganza Workshop 1 – Youngsters 6
10am - 11.30am A Very Private Public Breakfast – food 6
11am - 12.30pm Jane Austen’s Bath – walking tour 6
11.30am - 1pm Dance Extravaganza Workshop 2 – Beginners 6
2pm - 4pm Dance Extravaganza Workshop 3 – Improvers 7
4pm - 5.30pm From China to Chintz – food 7
7pm - 9pm Baroque Dance Display – Bath Minuet 7
Monday 21st September
10am - 12noon Jane Austen’s men – walking tour 8
2pm - 3.30pm Knowing your Muslin – Regency talk 8
7pm - 9.15pm Entertaining at St Swithin’s - Performance 8
Tuesday 22nd September
8am - 6.30pm Visit to Chawton in Hampshire – coach trip 9
10am - 12.30pm ‘Our grand walk to Weston’ – walking tour 9
7.30pm - 9.30pm Guest Event – Jane Austen Fan Club from Canada 9
Wednesday 23rd September
10am - 12noon The streets of Jane Austen’s Bath – walking tour 12
2pm - 4pm Writing Jane – Creative writing workshop 12
4pm - 6pm Adapting Austen – talk 13
7.30pm - 9pm A dip in the sea with Jane Austen! – Performance 13
Thursday 24th September
8am - 8pm From Fans to Foghorns – day trip 14
10am - 11.45am ‘To be near Sydney Gardens’ – walking tour 14
11am - 1pm Costume Research – Festival Friends Event 14
2pm - 4.30pm Learn to Dance like Jane Austen – workshop 15
7pm - 10pm James Jolly’s invitation to Dine Regency style 15
Friday 25th September
10am - 12noon ‘I was at the play on Tuesday’ – walking tour 16
12noon - 1.15pm Undressing Mr Darcy – Theatre 16
2pm - 3.30pm Draw Back the Curtain – private tour and talk 16
7pm - 10pm A Country Dance 16
Saturday 26th September
10am - 11.30am A Very Private Public Breakfast – food 17
11am - 12.30pm Jane Austen’s Bath – walking tour 17
11.45am - 2pm Picnic on Crescent Fields - lunch 17
3pm - 4pm ‘My dear Cassandra’ – reading 17
4pm - 5.30pm From China to Chintz – food 17
7pm - 9.30pm At Home with the Austens – Soiree 17
Sunday 27th September
10am - 11.30am A Very Private Public Breakfast – food 18
11am - 12.30pm Jane Austen’s Bath – walking tour 18
2pm - 4pm Finale - ‘a Capital on the harp’ and ‘Pictures of Perfection’
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