Saturday, 13 April 2013

Sabrina's London Diaries- The End of an Era ~ The End of Part 1

Dear Reader of Sabrina's London Diaries:

I went to London in September 2008 just for a 3 week vacation. I was in my third semester of Graduate school, getting my MFA in Creative Writing at Goddard College and writing a Musical.  On the first night I arrived, the man I went to visit,  told me, " I'm sorry your not the one !"  I decided to not go home with my tail between my legs and decided to make the best of a bad situation and live there. Being what I laughingly, call, " dumped upon arrival", was the best thing that ever happened to me, I took my feelings of rejection and remorse and turned things around for the better. I realized this man was not my enemy, but my manivater ( a man that motivates) and catalyst for making me do my Human Revolution I ended up living in London  for two years and it was the best two years of my life ! 

 This blog is part travel journal, part personal memoir, sometimes private and sometimes not. I write about my initial culture shock of living in London, in articles, such as: My Initial Impressions of the Drinking Habits of the English and Some Language Differences I find Funny.

I also write about my Dating conundrums and mishaps in a self-deprecating blog (blog series within this blog),called, "Finding Mr. Darcy"---- a serious Austenite my dating blogs look at the romantic life of a single girl through a 18th century lens looking backwards, but then racing towards the future with exuberant optimism.   Having the opportunity to date and experience men from all over the globe, I write as a Romantic Anthropoligist, in blogs such as: Are Italian Men Really Great Lovers ? Israeli Soldier vs. English Gentleman, The Rugged vs. The Refined, and Dating in London: American Cowboy vs. English Bloke

Being absolutely nutty about History and it's great people, I also write about some of History's greatest people: Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Jane Austen, and of course, Harry Potter

This blog evolved from someone telling me that I should write about my experience in London. One year and a half later, I am still writing about my experience in London. I came back to Los Angeles in 2010, after a 2 years sojourn in London, and I found that it has changed so much. But, it's like in the movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Benjamin Button, says in the movie as he narrates his story, after he comes home for being gone so long and traveling all over the world, " It's not that Tenessee has changed it's that I have changed."  And, so, it's not that Los Angeles has changed so much, or even America, it's that I had changed. My views and perceptions of life and the world have changed along with that and I will never be the same. Living in London has changed the way I see the world, and now the way I see myself in the world and that is why I must share what I learned !

Living in London for me, was an absolute dream come true. In my blog, I live to tell the tale and I am still telling it after all these years, and plan to publish my memoirs.


Sabrina Grace~

p.s. This is the End of the First Part of Sabrina's London Diaries. In the future, I will be publishing more blogs on Jane Austen, Book Reviews, Dating in Los Angeles, Culture in Los Angeles, Food,  and Green Living.  As well as, anecdotal commentary on society in English society and my new perspective on the world, living and thriving again in Los Angeles, California as a Language InstructorChef and Writer.

All blogs are written by Sabrina Rongstad-Bravo More Tales and Adventures in Sabrina's London Diaries

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Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Wordless Wednesdays- Platform 9 3/4

Taken From the Archives 2010
Harry Potter's Platform 9 3/4 

All blogs are written by Sabrina Rongstad-Bravo More Tales and Adventures in Sabrina's London Diaries
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Friday, 29 June 2012

Book Review: Michael's Reward- Written by Mario Bernheim

Michael's Reward: How to Get God's Attention, When Your World Is Falling ApartMichael's Reward: How to Get God's Attention, When Your World Is Falling Apart by Mario Bernheim
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The author transports you into the mind of Michael Whiley. Michael Whiley is a very successful man who has a turn of unlucky events happen that make him become homeless, wifeless, childless and broke, but not broken. Through Michael's test he develops a strong power in faith, belief in himself and the mysteries of the universe. This is a great book to read and the author, Mario Bernheim weaves a tale that will have you on the edge of your seat, crying one minute, and laughing the next, but always intrigued by his poetic imagery and powerful storytelling.
Michael Whiley through his own sheer will power and FAITH  not only  turns his life around, but comes out shining even more victoriously and abundantly than before his crisis. On top of that, he builds the good fortune in his life and is able to be an extraordinary generous philanthropist. Every negative in his life he turns into medicine. Michael is Christian, but this book could be for anyone of any faith.Which is one reason why I am writing this review.

Three fourths the way through the book,Michael turns his seemingly miserable life around. When, he does this I see this as turning something negative into a positive. I interpret this in Buddhist terms, as doing Hindokko Yakku or turning poison into medicine.

This book is an absolute page turner. It's also inspiring, quotable and at times has you questioning your own sense of faith in yourself. It also helps you see your life in the bigger picture. And, helps you assess your long term goals, dreams and visions.

I am very happy I read it and would recommend it to my friends of all faiths, including Buddhist.
View all my reviews

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Dating in London: American cowboy vs. English bloke

Before I came to London I never much fancied American men. I thought they were rough around the edges,unsophisticated, loud, obnoxious, and not well traveled. All these clichés that the whole world thinks and believes about Americans I also thought the same thing too. I know it's a shame that I could think so poorly of my own people. But, some of those clichés and generalizations do hold some truth. I know from experience. Back home, I also dated many sophisticated, well traveled and highly educated men. But, something inside me was turned off by American men. Perhaps, the grass is always greener on the other side and I preferred the flavor of some different more exotic food than what I was used to or what was in front of me.

Living in London has taught me to appreciate American men more. After dating men from about 10 different countries, I can finally assess honestly that American men are the most generous, kind, open, feminist, and straightforward. I dated an American man he always insisted on walking on the outside of the street just in case someone splashed water on my hoop skirt ( hee hee). He was very gentlemanly and always offered to carry my big satchel. On the other hand, when I told them that I had myriad of professions they rooted my multi- talented and diversity instead of making me out as some circus freak that can't focus.They are also very generous to everyone: they tip the waitress and taxi drivers 20%, whether they are rich or not. I think American men appreciate my ambition, assertiveness and straightforwardness. Where with a lot of European men they are threatened by my strength, an American man can handle me and bring out my best. My Italian boyfriend told me one time he thought I was too masculine. I just told him he was too feminine and that he could not handle me.He also couldn't change a light bulb to save his life.  When I asked him to change the light bulb it took him two months, then when he finally did he broke the light bulb and he broke the fuse. Italian men have a bit of a dandy in them and take preening to the extreme. I do start to worry when a man I am dating has over preoccupation with his looks and with fashion more than I do. Anyway, we are talking about American men not Italian men. So let's not get off the subject.

Whateeevah! I also think American men are more spiritual, especially Californian men. Most men in the world American or not, are just not interested in spirituality. They don't get it in the way women are naturally talking about Star Signs and the supernatural. That's just men for you !Some English men though, unless they are Buddhist or are from Glastonbury ( is a new age village known for it's hippies and new age airy fairies don't understand a thing about spirituality; karma, or New Age philosophy, metaphysics. It's not that they are closed off to it, sometimes they are interested in it and ask me lots of questions. But, many thinks it's airy fairy to talk about this stuff. It's just not in the culture so don't even bother. So ladies if you can accept some of what I mentioned about English culture English culture and try and focus on the positive qualities of English men (immigrants: European/ Middle Eastern/ Asian men),you are going to have a really fun adventure and unforgettable time. And stories definitely you can tell your grandchildren and your friends and family back home. I can write a book dedicated to dating around the world, but this is just a glimpse of my vast experiences. These are my personal experiences with men in London that has made me a wiser woman. OK dolls this has been my own unique experiences now be brave date as many men as possible and get back to me (lol!) Maybe, we can write a book together.. Huh? Anyone out there, want to co-write a book with me?

Note Bene: Some of these vignettes are gross generalizations and gross exaggerations, it's all meant in the spirit of humanistic humor and fun. No offense is meant so no offense is taken. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?


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